Too Soon?

“What would your good do if evil didn’t exist, and what would the earth look like if all the shadows disappeared?” – Mikhail Bulgakov Comedic relief, applied to history, can be the blending of the absolutely horrific with the first hand accounts of survivors. It is “One day we’ll look back on this and laugh.”, fleshed-out. In the case of Armando Iannucci’s film The Death of Stalin it is, “One day others will look back on this […]

Network of Care

As a reader I tend to stick with nonfiction, history, periodicals and well, Twitter. However, I’m not one to turn down the offer of a book club, even if the material is exclusively of the self-help/professional development variety. And so, ever so slightly outside of my reading comfort zone is how I ran into “Never Eat Alone” by Keith Ferrazi. The book purports to instruct the reader in exactly what the title implies, to be […]

Government Shutdowns

Pretext The recent concern over the threat of another government shutdown related to the Border all resolution deadline this past Friday (Feb 15th) motivated me to look into the effects of past government shutdowns on the markets. As many are aware, the recent 2018-2019 governmental shutdown was the longest in history, spanning from December 22nd 2018 to January 25th 2019, running for 35 consecutive days. As pretext, this government shutdown resulted directly from Congress and […]